
Active Web Services, an Umbraco development trial.

Activate the web, make your website come alive, make it deliver for you and your visitors.

about us our services


Server Side Development

Microsoft dotNET, WebAPI, MVC, C#, VB.NET.

Client Side Development

Html, CSS, AngularJS, Angular, JQuery. VBscript, Javascript, XML, XSLT.

Application Development

VBscript, C#, VB.NET, C++, Windows PowerShell, Windows Services.         

Umbraco Development

Html, CSS, AngularJS, Javascript, XML, XSLT, MVC, Razor, WebAPI, C#.

Web Services

NET, SOAP/RESTful Web Services, WebAPI, C#, VB.NET.

Solution Architecture

Azure, AWS, MS Windows, MS SQLServer, MySQL, SharePoint, MS Dynamics CRM.